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The Emotional and Quantum Side to Healing Cancer

Apr 30, 2024

      Cancer is not a disease that we must eradicate, kill, and fight against. It is a disease that must be loved, nurtured, and cared for. We get cancer because we have lost so much of our connection to living and the “life force” through repressed and continual fear, hate, anger, loathing, disgust, and betrayal by circumstance, that our bodies lose the higher vibrations and become more and more dense with fear and anger. This density is cancer. The cancer cells become confused and replicate in an unhealthy way. The perpetual negative emotional feelings and environment create cancer. Cancer is the last attempt to save the body from the soul's perpetual spiral into the darkness of this life. Cancer is the body wanting to live, while rapidly producing more cells while the entity, the mind, and spirit is slowly dying and giving up. The body knows and it wants to live, while the entity is completely unconscious and disconnected to this fact.. Sometimes this internal repression is NOT conscious, but the unconscious self stuck in the imprint of unprocessed emotions and experiences passed on either from “other present selves” or from the current life. Now, some people might not agree with me, but from my own experience having breast cancer and doing deep deep work to heal myself I have come to realize that stuck lower vibrational emotions such as anger, rage, fear, betrayal, denial, disgust etc…are so toxic if they are not released from the subtle body system and the physical body. 

         THE ABSOLUTE only way to HEAL is to Literally LOVE and FORGIVE yourself back into existence. Does this mean that you will not die? I do not know, and it is not my place to tell you one way or the other. Your soul chooses your human experience. It is your own contract, and we all have different paths and different contracts. However, when we love and forgive ourselves it allows the light within our being to heal the whole system, which is the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. All parts of the energy system must be allowed by the light to be stitched/woven back together. What do I mean by stitch and weave? We are made of energy. At the core of our existence and our purest selves, we are made of light. When we experience deep pain and live in an environment that is toxic, our energy becomes stressed. This stress creates rips and holes in the quantum realm. We are quantum because we are energy. We are born with specific energy patterns.  Perpetual emotional repression of anger creates gaping holes in our subtle energy bodies.  The direct vibrational messages to the cells become incoherent and out of balance. Continued incoherence will cause the cells to become confused and this toxicity can eventually cause cancer or other diseases dependent on your very own unique system.  The gaping hole (wound) will continue to expand, grow, and feed on the rest of the light being. If we are light quantum light beings, and science has proven that being physical does not make sense, it is an illusion, then WE absolutely can heal ourselves by returning the light and love. However, it is so hard, and what you believe you become. We have been pre programmed to think we have no power. 

      We have the power to heal ourselves, but the question is, DO you want to? Or as Carolyn Myss states, that we would rather be stuck in “woundology” or the wounds of our past because they feed us and give us immediate power. From her years of work, she has noticed that people don’t want to change, and if they don’t change and truly forgive, they will ultimately not heal. It is as direct as that. How bad do you want to heal and live in this 3rd density experience is the question? As my elder, and spiritual guide Jyoti Ma states, “That cancer is the great awakener.”  Those who suffer from a disease must wake up and connect to “life” and the “spirit”. You must remember who they are and why they are here. You must forgive fully everything that has ever hurt you in the past, as well as forgive yourself. You must want and have the desire to heal. You must be strong and ready for the journey of truth, which is a difficult path. You must be open to the unbelievable power that lies within you and around you. It is your journey inward. As Sadhguru says, “The only way out is in.”  Do you want this? Do you want to remember who you are, and why you are here, and truly heal so you can be free of burden and pain?  Let me help guide you on your journey to truth and freedom. You are more powerful than you know 

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