The Blog

The Emotional and Quantum Side to Healing Cancer Apr 30, 2024

      Cancer is not a disease that we must eradicate, kill, and fight against. It is a disease that must be loved, nurtured, and cared for. We get cancer because we have lost so much of our connection to living and the “life force” through repressed and continual fear, hate, anger, loathing, disgust, and betrayal by circumstance, that our bodies lose the higher vibrations and become more and more dense with fear and anger. This density is cancer. The cancer cells...

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Go Outside in Nature and Reset Your Body and Mind Apr 04, 2024

      Our technological society has forced us inside and we would prefer to connect to a machine rather than the forest or the ocean. We have forgotten where we come from and who we are. This huge transformation has occurred within the last 100 years due to the industrial revolution. This separation from the Earth, the natural light, soil, plants, food, trees, and water is making our biological bodies sick. For example, a survey done in 2017 by The Conversation stated that,...

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Cancer, A Psychological Perspective Mar 21, 2024

Cancer is the most feared disease amongst humans right now. A cancer diagnosis brings terror and a feeling of immediate death. We have images of sick looking people, with no hair and a gray aura around them lying in a hospital bed with an IV being fed Chemo, one of the nastiest drugs known to man. We have been fed terrifying images and have been told that we must “kill cancer” and that humanity is at “war” with cancer because cancer is our enemy. In the oncology field...

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